Cold mucous tumors of the female breast

For this reason, it is useful to apply crushed celery to the tumor. Count eighth. About the hardening of a woman’s breast, about the nodes and nodules on it, and about what happens from strong rounding of the breast upon reaching maturity.

If the external tumor on the chest begins to harden, then at first it helps, among other things, a medicinal bandage of rice soaked in wine, or rubbing in a wax ointment with violet oil, egg yolk and tragacanth. And if the tumor has already hardened, it is lubricated with a wax ointment made from purified wax, rose oil, kitran and camphor infusion; sometimes bovine bile is added to this composition. This disease is also treated with the leaves of galls, and sometimes they add boiled old wine or thick vinegar to them and lubricate the tumor with this.

As for the knots and nodules on the chest, the best remedy for this is to take fresh peach leaves and fresh rue leaves, crush them together and apply a medicinal bandage with them. If this remains after the breast swelled upon reaching maturity or happened later and does not obey the dissolving effect of the drugs, then it is necessary to make a puncture, bringing the needle to the fatty contents of the tumor, then remove it and sew up the wound.