Holuria, Choleuria, Biliuria (Choluria)

Holuria, Choleuria, Biliuria (Choluria) - the presence of bile in the urine, observed with an increase in the content of bile in the blood, especially with obstructive jaundice. The color of the urine becomes dark brown or orange, and bile pigments and bile salts can be detected in it.

Holuria occurs during pathological processes accompanied by a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver or gallbladder. These may be inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract, stones in the bile ducts, tumors of the pancreas or duodenum, compressing the bile duct.

With choluria, there is an increased content of bilirubin and bile acids in the urine. For diagnosis, a urine test is performed for bile pigments. Treatment of choluria is aimed at eliminating its causes - an inflammatory or obstructive process in the bile ducts.

Holuria, Choleuria, Biliuria (Choluria): causes, symptoms and treatment

Holuria, also known as choleuria or biliuria, is a condition in which bile leaks into the urine. This condition may be associated with an increase in bile content in the blood, especially with obstructive jaundice. The color of the urine becomes dark brown or orange, and bile pigments and bile salts can be detected in it.

Causes of Holuria

Holuria can be caused by several factors. One of the most common causes is obstructive jaundice, which can be caused by gallstones, gallbladder or bile duct cancer, and liver infections such as hepatitis.

Symptoms of Holuria

The main symptom of choluria is a change in the color of urine, which becomes dark brown or orange. Bile pigments and bile salts may also be present in the urine. Other symptoms may include pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, fatigue and weakness.

Treatment of Holuria

Treatment for choluria depends on its cause. If choluria is caused by obstructive jaundice, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. In some cases, surgery may be required. If choluria is caused by a liver infection such as hepatitis, treatment may include antibiotics.

It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and adequate rest. It is also necessary to take medications prescribed by your doctor and follow his treatment recommendations.

In conclusion, choluria is a condition in which bile leaks into the urine. It can be caused by various factors, including obstructive jaundice and infectious liver diseases. Treatment for choluria depends on its cause and may include surgery and antibiotics combined with supportive measures such as a healthy diet and moderate physical activity. If you suspect choluria, consult your doctor.

Holuria, choleuria or biliuria is a disease that occurs due to disruption of the biliary tract and the accumulation of bile in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of dark brown or yellow-green urine, the presence of bile pigments and salts in it. Holuria must be treated, since chronic disruption of the gallbladder can lead to serious liver and kidney diseases. In this article we will look at the symptoms and causes of this disease.