Laws of pulse during physical movement

At the beginning of the movement and while it remains balanced, the pulse is large and strong due to the increase in innate heat and its enhancing effect on the pulse, and is also very fast and frequent due to the extreme “need for cooling” caused by the movement. When the physical movement lasts a long time or is very strong, although brief, then the phenomena due to animal strength disappear, and the pulse becomes weak and small due to the dissipation of the innate heat.

However, it is sometimes done quickly and often for two reasons. One of them is the sovereignty of the “need for cooling,” and the other is the impossibility of animal power to create a sufficient increase in pulse. Then the speed ceaselessly decreases, and the frequency increases to the extent that the force weakens; in the end, if the movement continues and is exhausting, the pulse, due to weakness and high frequency, becomes like an ant. When the movement becomes excessive and almost leads to death, it causes everything that varieties of dissolution cause and makes the pulse worm-like. Then it turns the pulse into a rare and slow one and at the same time small and weak.