Homemade Calendar

Homemade Calendar: How to Help Your Child Get Organized

Organization is an important quality that can accompany a person throughout his life. But how to educate a child to be organized? One way is to help him create his own calendar, which will help him plan his activities and keep track of his schedule. In this article we will tell you how to make a homemade calendar using simple materials.

Step 1: Preparing materials

To create a calendar you will need a piece of cardboard, a washable marker, plastic and a ruler. If you are working with a small child, use larger cardboard to make it easier for him to draw and write.

Step 2: Creating the Mesh

Lay a piece of cardboard horizontally and draw a line from the top edge far enough away to indicate the year and month. Have your child draw out the cardboard to create a grid of six squares vertically and seven squares horizontally. This will serve as a calendar grid.

Step 3: Adding days of the week

Ask your child to write the names of the days of the week on the first row of the grid. This will help him navigate the calendar and plan his affairs.

Step 4: Adding Month and Year

Wrap the cardboard in plastic so you can use a washable marker to write down the month and year. The child can look at the real calendar to find out the current month and write it down on their calendar.

Step 5: Adding Dates

Then, using a washable marker, the child can place each day of the month in the corresponding square on the calendar. This will help him plan his affairs and keep track of his schedule.

Step 6: Adding Events

Once the dates are added, you can help your child plan for upcoming events such as school events, family visits, sports games, or holidays. Also discuss with your child when he will do his chores, such as cleaning the room or watering the flowers.

Step 7: Update your calendar

At the end of the month, old entries should be erased and new ones made. This will help your child stay organized and on track with their schedule.

Making a homemade calendar is a simple and fun way to help your child become more organized and responsible. The calendar will help him plan his affairs, learn to manage his time and keep track of his obligations. Plus, creating a calendar can be a fun and creative process that allows your child to express their imagination and creativity.

A homemade calendar can become not only a convenient tool for planning, but also an original gift. You can create a calendar with your child and give it to grandma for her birthday or New Year's holidays. This will be not only useful, but also a touching gift that will remain in memory for many years.

By creating a calendar with your child, you teach him to plan his time, set goals and keep track of his obligations. These skills will be useful not only in school, but also in future life. Plus, creating a calendar with your child is a great way to spend time together and strengthen your relationship.

In conclusion, creating a homemade calendar is an easy and affordable way to help your child become more organized and responsible. You can use this project to not only improve your child's organization and planning, but also to strengthen relationships and spend time together. Feel free to try this project and see how it can help your child become better organized and responsible.