Indigo children

Indigo children. These kids are not like us. They are different and not like anyone else. Wise, sensitive, amazing psychologists. Uncontrollable, freedom-loving, uncontrollable. In a word, indigo.

In 1978, American clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tape made an amazing discovery: she discovered a child with a new aura color - blue-violet, which artists would call indigo (the aura of ordinary children was usually golden). Later it turned out that this case was not unique and there are more and more indigo children every year. They are distinguished by a certain set of character traits, high spirituality and a large store of knowledge about the world, which came from nowhere. In the mid-90s, American psychologists Lee Carroll and Jen Tober took up the indigo phenomenon - they were often approached by parents of uncontrollable, hyperactive children whose upbringing traditional methods did not work. Jen and Lee tried to help their clients and suddenly realized that this would not be so easy. After all, the world is faced with a new phenomenon - indigo children. The oldest members of this generation are now 27 or so: it was in 1978 that Nancy Tape discovered the first indigo child. Today, some scientists believe that indigo children do not even have the same DNA structure as others, and that these children were sent to Earth to save the world, nothing more and nothing less. Now there are about 30 million of these children. It’s hard to believe, much less comprehend, but the facts speak for themselves. Carroll and Tober published two books about indigo, and the topic was later picked up by authors around the world.

You'll find out from a thousand

Indigo makes itself recognizable in the second or third year of life, although, in fact, even from birth it can demonstrate certain character traits. It is impossible to speak down and command with a newborn indigo. He may be indignant if you haven’t explained why you undressed him now and why you are going to exchange this beautiful blouse for another, why you take off one diaper and throw it away and for what purpose you constantly drag it under your arm into the bathroom and rinse it under the tap. Indigos do not perceive any authoritarianism towards themselves and begin to protest violently.

Mature indigo is even easier to recognize. From the moment an extraordinary baby masters oral speech skills, a new, absolutely incredible stage of his development begins. He will talk about himself, his desires, needs and will certainly enlighten you on many issues. However, psychologists have already identified entire lists of traits by which an outstanding child can be recognized in a crowd of peers. The rules for all lists are the same: if your child meets the listed characteristics by 75-80%, then with a 90-95% probability he is an indigo child.

Strangers among our own

If you manage to recognize indigo in your child, do not rush to panic. There are many more advantages to your discovery than hidden difficulties. We do not recommend delving into magic and esotericism, trying to find out from the baby for what purpose he came into the world; you will intimidate both him and yourself with questions. And while the child is growing, try to develop his best qualities as much as possible and teach him to level out his shortcomings.

By nature, the indigo baby is very gifted. He himself may not realize that he draws delightfully until he falls into the hands of an experienced and patient teacher (as you remember, getting an indigo interested in something is not an easy task). He may not know what incredible voice, taste, and sense of beauty nature has endowed him with. But don’t doubt it: he will definitely try to draw your portrait, compose a song about how much he loves you, and perform it by the Eighth of March. Indigo children are incredibly creative people, and you won't get bored with them! True, they never complete many of their undertakings, preferring to skim over the top rather than thoughtfully devote themselves to any one activity.

Thanks to their superpowers, indigo children do not question