Hydrocele of the testicular membranes and spermatic cord (hydrocele)

Hydrocele of the membranes of the testicle and spermatic cord (hydrocele)

A hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the testicular membranes and spermatic cord. Main causes:

  1. Injuries to the testicle and epididymis
  2. Inflammatory diseases (epididymitis, tuberculosis)
  3. Tumors of the testicle or epididymis
  4. Varicocele
  5. Congenital cleft of the vaginal process of the peritoneum in newborns

With idiopathic hydrocele, the cause is not identified. Fluid accumulates in the cavity of the testicular membrane from the abdominal cavity and the endothelial covering of the processus vaginalis.

Symptoms of hydrocele:

  1. Dense elastic painless formation in the scrotum, sometimes large in size
  2. Unclear contouring of the testicle
  3. Clear separation of the upper pole of the formation from the anterior abdominal wall

Diagnosis is based on diaphanoscopy and ultrasound for differential diagnosis with inguinal hernias.

Treatment in adults is surgical (excision or wrapping of the hydrocele). In children, spontaneous resorption or puncture with aspiration of the contents is possible.

The prognosis is favorable. In symptomatic forms, it depends on the underlying disease.