Homeostasis (Homeostasis)

Homeostasis is a complex physiological mechanism that allows the body to maintain a constant internal environment despite changes in external factors. This process is important for the survival of the body and maintaining its normal functioning.

Homeostasis involves many different processes that work together to achieve this goal. For example, blood pressure is maintained at a certain level by regulating blood volume and heart function. The acid-base balance is also regulated to maintain the balance between acids and alkalis in the body. Body temperature is maintained at an optimal level to avoid overheating or hypothermia.

However, homeostasis is not a perfect process, and in some cases the body may not be able to cope with changes in the environment. For example, if the body is exposed to temperatures that are too hot or cold, homeostasis can be disrupted, which can lead to serious illness.

Thus, homeostasis is an important mechanism for maintaining the health of the body and ensuring its survival in changing environmental conditions.

Homeostasis is a physiological process that allows one to maintain a constant internal environment of the body despite changes in the environment. This is a very important process for maintaining health and normal functioning of the body.

There are many parameters in the body that must be balanced to ensure homeostasis. For example, blood pressure and acid-base balance must be maintained at a certain level. If one of these parameters falls outside the normal range, the body may begin to react to restore balance.

Homeostasis is a key process for maintaining life. If this process is disrupted, it can lead to serious illness and even death. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and maintain normal homeostasis.


Homeostasis is a physiological process that allows the body to maintain a stable state in the face of changing external and internal factors. This process is the basis for the survival of living organisms, as it ensures the maintenance of the necessary parameters for the life of the organism. In this article we will look at what homeostasis is, its role in the body and ways to maintain constancy in the internal environment of the body under different environmental conditions.

1. Definition:

One of the main properties of living systems is their ability to self-regulate and restore balance after disturbances from external or internal influences. This property is called homeostasis. The term homeostasis comes from the Greek words domais (maintenance) and stato (stability). The term was first proposed by American physiologists Walter B. Cannon in 1929. The term itself appeared later, in 1885, thanks to the German biologists P. and D. Kohlberg. In Russian, this term became established in scientific discourse a little later - somewhere in the 30s of the last century.