
Chondrocyte is the main cell of cartilage tissue, forming its intercellular substance. Chondrocytes synthesize and release into the extracellular space the components of the intercellular matrix of cartilage - collagen, proteoglycans, glycoproteins. Thanks to this, the basic substance of cartilage is formed, giving it strength and elasticity.

Chondrocytes are located in the lacunae of the cartilage matrix singly or in small groups. They have a round or oval shape. The cytoplasm of chondrocytes contains a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and mitochondria, which reflects their high synthetic activity.

Thus, chondrocytes play a key role in the formation, maintenance of the structure and regeneration of cartilage tissue. The strength properties of cartilage depend on their normal functioning.

Chondrocytes are cells that form the basis of cartilage tissue - cartilage tissue in the human body. Thus, chondrocytes are the main cell of cartilaginous tissues, as well as all types of cartilage.

Chondrocytes have two main functions: they produce new cells and regulate the density and elasticity of cartilage. As part of the cartilage substance, chordiocytes contain an intercellular matrix with hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans and elastin, which gives cartilage high elasticity and strength to mechanical stress. Also, water is present in the cartilage matrix, due to which the cartilage can be mobile under mechanical stress. Chondrocytes produce a framework for this substance, where microtubes are present that connect all the structures.

One of the main functions of chondrocytes is their ability to restore intercellular spaces between neighboring chondrocytes after mechanical damage caused by exercise or infection. In addition, chondrocytes can secrete growth factors and molecular compounds that stimulate chondrogenic cells to divide into other cartilage cells. This helps the cartilage to replenish itself when it breaks down. Thanks to these properties, chondroites are able to adapt to various conditions, significantly reducing the recovery time of damaged cartilage after physical activity.

They also promote the development and functioning of other cartilage tissue cells - chondroblasts. Chondroblasts are a type of progenitor cell that differentiates into chondrocells and plays a role in the formation and repair of cartilage in various conditions. Most conditions associated with

Chondrocytes are the main element of the cartilage structure

Chondrocytes, also known as chondrocytes, are the main cell of all cartilage tissues and make up approximately 85% of the total cells in the pulmonary arteries and bronchi. They form the intercellular structure of cartilage, which provides strength and flexibility to the airways.

Each chondrocyte is round or oval in shape and contains a nucleus and cytoplasm filled with organelles. While two cells can connect to each other through intercellular spaces, they do not form a continuous junction. This allows the cell to freely expand and contract as needed.

Research shows that chondrocytes protect against damage and promote rapid restoration of cartilage after injury. They also participate in metabolic processes, where they metabolize monosaccharides and produce glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which form the matrix of the intercellular structure.

Diseases associated with deficiency or disturbance of chondrocyte metabolism can cause airway dysfunction. Some of them include:

- Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi that leads to impaired lung function and respiratory failure. - Bronchiectasis - expansion of respiratory bronchioles with the development of scar tissue in chronic bronchitis, smoking, infections. - Pneumonia – inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma and disruption of aeronal gas exchange due to cell destruction.

Drugs used to treat mild airway diseases such as bronchiectasis, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can directly affect the metabolism of chondrocytes and slow cartilage breakdown. This can lead to accelerated regeneration of the intercellular substance and improved respiratory tract function.