Hormonal Implants Under the Skin

Hormonal implants under the skin: pros and cons

Hormonal implants under the skin are a type of contraception that allows women to avoid unwanted pregnancy. However, like any other method of contraception, there are both pros and cons.

Advantages of hormonal implants:

  1. Highly effective: hormonal implants under the skin are one of the most reliable methods of contraception. The chance of getting pregnant using this method is very low.

  2. Ease of use: after installing the implant under the skin, a woman can forget about contraception for several years. This is especially convenient for those who do not want to take the daily pill or use other methods of contraception.

  3. Help with some conditions: Hormonal implants can help women with some conditions, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary disease.

However, hormonal implants under the skin also have some disadvantages:

  1. Unpredictability of the menstrual cycle: When using hormonal implants, most women either stop, become heavy, or experience spotting. This can be unpleasant and uncomfortable for some women.

  2. Side effects: 95% of women using hormonal implants may experience side effects such as headaches, acne, hair loss and weight gain. In addition, some women may experience changes in mood or sexual activity.

  3. Need for installation and removal: Installation and removal of a hormonal implant should only be performed by medical professionals, which requires time and additional costs.

Bottom line, hormonal implants under the skin are one of the most reliable methods of contraception, but they may not be suitable for all women due to their side effects. Before using hormonal implants, you should discuss this issue with a medical specialist and carefully consider all the pros and cons of this method.