First Days at Home

Returning from the maternity hospital is a step into a new life, in which everything will be different now, because you have become a mother. In these first days, you will have to get to know your baby and master a lot of unusual activities.

Any changes are exciting, but believe me, in less than a week you will feel much more confident and calm in your new role.

About the right fears, useful activities and the need to pull yourself together

Do you often worry if everything is okay with your baby? This is completely normal and even, oddly enough, good, because this anxiety has a protective function. It sharpens your perception, which helps you understand the condition of the little one. However, it is important to remain prudent and soberly assess the situation.

Of course, you have a lot of troubles, and quite pleasant ones. Only you chronically do not have enough time to communicate with your little one. Calmly, try to organize your day so that every free minute not only brings the joy of communicating with your child, but also helps him develop.

About the benefits of rest and the possibility of organizing it

The birth of a baby is a strong physical and psychological test for the body, the cause of its fatigue and stress. In this case, there is only one way out - rest!

To make the most of the short periods of the night when you do manage to sleep, place your baby's crib in another room. This way you will hear when he cries, but you will not catch other sounds that the baby makes in his sleep and which may unnecessarily alert you.

About the distribution of responsibilities, the rights of young dads and their own lives

Between feedings, caring for the baby, household chores, shopping trips, telephone conversations and visits from family and friends, do you constantly feel like you don’t get anything done? Get together and plan everything.

Distribute responsibilities. For example, you are breastfeeding, and dad bathes the baby, you clean the house, and he goes shopping.

In order to find peace and confidence, you need to learn to trust your authority to others. Young fathers cope with their children no worse than mothers. Moreover, they simply need this communication, because dads also have to get used to the new role of a parent.

And finally: don't forget about your own life. Try to maintain some of your old habits. If you don’t have time to get to the beauty salon, don’t deny yourself the usual cup of fragrant tea, drunk in silence on your favorite chair! And, of course, try not to test the strength of your relationship with your husband, otherwise he may feel like the third wheel in your duet with your baby.