Treating a Runny Nose Without Medicines

Who is not familiar with this picture - in the evening a child came from a walk, where he made a snowman with friends, skated, played snowballs, in a word, enjoyed winter to the fullest, and in the morning his nose is already stuffy? Runny nose, runny nose again! What can you do to avoid this childhood misfortune, which is not so dangerous, but the most common?

Let's try to figure out why children get a runny nose in general. It is no coincidence that it is associated with a long walk in the cold, cold or wet feet. A runny nose most often begins when the feet are overcooled. The projection zones of all organs are located here, and hypothermia causes an imbalance in the fine tuning of the entire organism.

Another cause of a runny nose is hypothermia of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, primarily the nasopharynx. I shouted, talked, sang on the street - this is the result in the form of a running nose. Cold causes swelling of the mucous membrane, and increased mucus secretion begins. If you do not start treating a runny nose in time, the swelling will rise higher - into the maxillary sinuses, connecting the nasopharynx with the middle ear, onto their mucous membrane.

How to avoid a runny nose? First of all, pay close attention to your child when he comes back from a walk - check if his feet are wet or cold. If this happens, put your baby in a hot bath or give him a mustard foot bath. It is also good to wear “mustard socks” at night. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink hot milk with honey and butter, to which you need to add a little soda. Such measures help the child wake up healthy in the morning and breathe calmly through his nose.

If your child does develop a runny nose, it is best to treat it without medication. Let's explain why. Not a single drug cures a runny nose, as such, they just relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Some drugs can be used for no more than 3-4 days, because addiction to them occurs. In addition, in case of an overdose, the baby can be poisoned by them. Therefore, traditional methods of treatment are good for children.

Finely chop the onion, sauté in a dry, clean frying pan until it releases juice, then transfer to a clean plate and pour in a little sunflower oil. Infuse this mixture for about twelve hours, strain and instill 1-2 drops into the nose at a time.

For children under one year old, it is better to bury beetroot or carrot juice in their nose instead of onion mixture. For those who are older, from the age of five, the following recipe is suitable: press the garlic in a garlic press, pour the extracts along with the juice with sunflower, or even better, olive oil for 6-12 hours. Place 1-2 drops into the nose. It will sting, but you have to be patient.

A stuffy nose can be warmed with paraffin. This is done like this: heat the paraffin in a water bath (just not over an open fire, otherwise it will explode!), then roll up a gauze napkin into 3-4 layers, soak it in paraffin, put it in cellophane, wrap it in a piece of flannel. This “construction” needs to be applied to the nose. It is advisable to use pure medical paraffin, but if you don’t have it, you can melt the candle by removing the wick.

When the paraffin has cooled, add hot melted paraffin to a cloth and repeat the procedure. Do this for 15-20 minutes at night, the nose will warm up well, and the child will feel much better in the morning.

You can also warm up your nose in another way: hard-boil two eggs, wrap them in a handkerchief and apply them to your nose until they cool down.

Alkaline inhalations work well. Pour boiling water into the kettle, put 3-4 teaspoons of soda in it, cover with a shaggy towel and let the child breathe for about ten minutes. Just make sure that the steam is not too hot, otherwise it may burn the mucous membrane. Inhalations from decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, bay leaf, and mint also work well.

Several times a day, drop pinosol into your nose - this is a mixture of vegetable oils (eucalyptus, peppermint and others). Can be lubricated