Hortona Migraine

Horton migraine: Description and features

Horton migraine, also known as the major group of cluster headaches, is a rare but extremely painful neurological disorder that was first described by American physician Horton in 1895. This condition is characterized by intense, one-sided pain in the eye area, accompanied by a number of other symptoms.

Horton migraine usually affects adult men between the ages of 20 and 50, although cases in women and children can also occur. Women who suffer from Horton's migraine often have longer episodes and more severe symptoms.

One of the main symptoms of a Horton's migraine is intense headaches that usually occur around one eye or temple. The pain can be so severe that patients describe it as like "finding the worst pain point in their life." Painful attacks usually last from 15 minutes to several hours and can occur several times during the day.

In addition to the headache, patients with Horton's migraine may experience other symptoms such as watery eyes, nasal congestion, red eyes, sweating of the face, and dilated pupils. Many patients also experience restlessness, irritability, and anxiety during attacks.

The cause of Horton's migraine is still not fully understood, but it is believed that several factors may contribute to its development. This may include genetic predisposition, abnormalities in the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that regulates biological rhythms), and changes in circadian rhythms.

Although Horton's migraine has no cure, there are various treatments and symptom management that can help patients cope with the condition. Doctors may recommend medications such as triptans and glucocorticoids to relieve pain and shorten the duration of attacks. However, each patient may require an individualized treatment approach, and some may require surgery.

Horton migraine is a serious and distressing condition that can significantly impact patients' quality of life. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help if you suspect this disease. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help relieve symptoms and improve the lives of patients suffering from Horton's migraine.

In conclusion, Horton migraine, or the main group of cluster headaches, is a rare but extremely unpleasant neurological disorder. Pain, accompanied by various symptoms, can significantly limit the life of patients. However, thanks to modern diagnostic and treatment methods, it is possible to relieve symptoms and manage this condition. It is important to seek medical help and, under the guidance of a qualified physician, develop a personalized treatment plan to achieve the best results and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from Horton's migraine.