Hospitals in Israel - advanced treatment by world standards

Patients choosing treatment abroad are attracted to Israeli hospitals by advanced methods, innovative equipment, and a high level of patient care. For those who come from economically developed countries, this is an opportunity to save on treatment without losing quality. For others, this is a unique opportunity to use the achievements of world medicine at prices lower than in the USA or Germany.

Hospitals in Israel They work both with independent tourists and with tourists who come for diagnosis and treatment with the help of medical tourism provider companies; this does not affect the level and range of services provided. Any patient can receive high-quality treatment, and patients with rare oncological diseases can generally receive experimental treatment with drugs that are only undergoing clinical trials. It must be said that all experiments on humans are carried out under the careful supervision of an ethical commission in compliance with all procedures provided for by the Declaration of Helsinki.

Israeli oncologists can proudly say that they took part in, and are still continuing, trials of the Opdivo vaccine, the newest drug for targeted therapy. The vaccine is approved for the treatment of metastatic melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer, and in combination with other drugs, for the treatment of breast cancer, bladder cancer, and stomach cancer.

Another area of ​​clinical research conducted in Israeli hospitals is the treatment of tumors in patients with BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 gene mutations. Using the drug Olaparib, Israeli doctors successfully treated patients suffering from breast cancer who had stopped responding to conventional treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment allows researchers to expand the group of participants by accepting patients who carry mutations in the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes and suffer from various forms of cancer.

Innovative medicines are used not only to treat cancer. Thus, Israel is one of the few countries that allows foreigners to receive advanced drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C. Foreign patients who want to buy the drug are diagnosed in Israel, receive permission from the Israeli Ministry of Health to purchase the drug, and then, at the airport, receive refund of paid VAT.

Of course, in addition to innovative drug treatment, Israeli hospitals They also offer various types of therapy, using advanced equipment for surgery, diagnostics, radiation and chemotherapy. Israeli doctors always put the interests of the patient first, therefore they choose the most effective treatment methods, which are often experimental or innovative.