How Often Should You See a Doctor?

How often should you see a doctor?

This depends primarily on the course of the disease. If you have type 1 diabetes and it is stable, the tests are good, then you can visit the doctor once every 3-6 months. If the course is unstable, there is a tendency to hypoglycemia, or there is a history of ketoacidosis, you need to go to the clinic more often, about 1-2 times a month. Of course, an unforeseen situation may always arise that requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

If you have type 2 diabetes and it is well compensated, you can see your doctor even less often - 1-2 times a year. This is subject to regular self-monitoring. Otherwise, it's better to come more often.

Remember: no matter how much the patient knows about his disease, he cannot cope with it alone. You need to work in tandem with your doctor. The main thing is that trust and mutual understanding arise between you. If during meetings you encounter a wall of alienation, you should find another doctor. Of course, you shouldn’t make such a decision after 1-2 doses; first take a closer look.

In addition, you must be confident in the high professionalism of your attending physician.