How to Choose Courses for Expectant Parents?

How to choose courses for future parents?

Is it worth taking parenting courses? Every pregnant woman thinks about this. On the one hand, mother and grandmother assure that nature has provided for everything, and there is no point in spending money on activities that will only confirm well-known truths. On the other hand, friends vying with each other to talk about how such courses helped them give birth easily and care for a little person without much difficulty.

When a woman is pregnant for the first time, it is very difficult for her to imagine that sooner or later she will have to give birth, feed, and harden a tiny baby. Childbirth is so scary and probably unbearably painful! What will I do with the child then? “I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything!” the expectant mother panics. While we don’t have children, it’s scary to even just hold someone else’s child in our arms; we treat him like a crystal vase, afraid of inadvertently causing harm. What about your baby? He, too, will probably be so small and fragile...

Modern obstetricians and gynecologists actively advocate that women learn to give birth long before the hour. Knowledge of the birth process, the ability to behave correctly in each of its stages, including in unplanned situations, is perhaps the most important factor contributing to the successful outcome of childbirth. An unprepared woman in labor often panics and prevents medical personnel from doing their work, thereby increasing the likelihood of birth injury in her own child.

And who hasn’t encountered problems with breastfeeding? Lack of milk, excess milk, lactostasis, mastitis, cracked nipples, breast refusal - such troubles happen to almost all mothers. Who can tell me what to do? Today there are many organizations and consultants helping to establish breastfeeding, but they only deal with eliminating difficulties, and we take