Central nervous system. Brain

The pons contains the midbrain, which plays an important role in the regulation of visual and auditory functions. It contains nerve centers that control eye movements and respond to sound and light stimuli.

The thalamus is the main sensory processing station in the brain. It receives information from various parts of the body and sends it to the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex for further processing and analysis. The thalamus is also involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, controlling the level of activity of the cerebral cortex.

The cerebral hemispheres are the largest part of the brain and perform many functions related to thinking, memory, speech, feelings and movement. Each hemisphere consists of several lobes, called lobes, which are specialized in processing certain types of information. The left hemisphere controls speech functions and the analysis of logical information, while the right hemisphere is responsible for processing spatial information, musical and artistic abilities.

The brain is the central part of our nervous system and controls most of our functions. It regulates our breathing, heart rate, tele-locomotion and motor coordination, as well as processes sensory information and performs higher mental functions. Although the anatomy of the brain is extremely complex, its functions are extremely important for our health and functioning.