Human Environment

The human environment is a complex and diverse term that covers not only the surrounding nature, but also public, economic and social factors that affect human well-being and health. It represents the space in which a person lives and acts, and which can influence his physical and psychological state.

One of the main components of the human environment is nature. Man is part of nature and depends on its resources and conditions for survival. Natural factors such as climate, vegetation, wildlife, soil, water and other natural resources determine human living conditions. They can have a significant impact on human health, physical fitness and functioning.

However, the human environment also includes artificial factors created by man. This could be the urban landscape, infrastructure, buildings, transport, technology, economy, education, healthcare, agriculture and many other elements. These factors also play an important role in determining a person's living conditions and can influence his biological, psychological and social characteristics.

The ecology of the habitat is an important factor determining the environmental well-being and health of the population. This implies complete ecological balance of all components of nature, both structural and functional parts. The components of the natural environment are considered to be the main condition for the existence of plants, animals and humans. Structural, called components of the natural environment, make up the biogeocenosis, or functional - components that interact with other components and create the habitat of living organisms.

In general, human existence and well-being largely depend on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to preserve and improve the quality of the environment and monitor the ecological balance in this area.