Humerus bone

The humerus (humerus) is one of the largest bones in the human body and is located in the upper part of the arm. It has the shape of a triangular pyramid and consists of three main parts: the head, neck and body.

The head of the humerus is the widest part and is connected to the humerus. The neck of the humerus is the narrow part that meets the body of the humerus. The body of the humerus is cylindrical and extends to the elbow.

The humerus plays an important role in the movement of the arms and upper body. It supports the muscles and tendons that allow movement of the arms and shoulders. In addition, the humerus plays a role in maintaining balance and protecting internal organs.

The humerus is also an important object of research in medicine. Its structure and shape can indicate the presence of various diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer. Bone analysis can also be used to determine a person's age and gender.

Overall, the humerus bone is an important part of the human body and plays an important role in providing movement and support. Its research can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and determine age and gender.