
The humoral system is a complex of structures and regulatory mechanisms of the cell that ensure the transmission of signals in the form of fluids of the internal environment. Today it is customary to divide the natural humoral system into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary or enterochelar system. In this article we will look at the humoral interaction between these systems and their role in the regulation of physiological processes in the human body.

Sympathetic and Para-Sympathetic divisions of the nervous system: Fundamentals of humoral interaction

In their evolutionary development, vertebrates developed a specialized central organ for hormonal regulation in the animal body - the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the overall center of autonomic nervous regulation. Working like a neural relay or controller, it regulates the functioning of hormonal secreting glands. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two divisions - the sympathetic-adrenal system (SAS) and the cholinergic parasympathetic system (PAC).

Cholinergic system: Definition, structure and mechanism of action

Cholinergic PA