
Pathoarchitecture: The Study of Historical Construction

Pathoarchitectonics, a combination of the prefix "patho-" and the Greek word "architektonike" (meaning "building"), is a unique study of historical construction. This term covers the field of study that studies the architectural styles, techniques, and materials used in past eras to create structures.

Pathoarchitectonics is an interdisciplinary field that brings together knowledge and methods from history, archaeology, architecture and other related disciplines. She strives to understand and recreate architectural approaches used in different cultures and time periods, with the goal of preserving cultural heritage and expanding our knowledge of the past.

Research in the field of pathoarchitectonics allows us to unravel the mysteries of ancient buildings and understand what technologies and methods were used to create majestic buildings that still delight us with their beauty and grandeur. Research may include examination of archaeological sites, analysis of architectural drawings and documentation, and analysis of materials used in construction.

Pathoarchitecture also has practical significance in modern architecture and restoration. Studying historical methods and techniques can inspire modern architects and help them create sustainable and aesthetically pleasing structures by combining modern innovation with ancient knowledge.

Examples of research in the field of pathoarchitectonics include the study of Egyptian pyramids, Roman amphitheatres, Gothic cathedrals and traditional dwellings of various cultures. Researchers are trying to uncover the construction techniques used in these structures and understand how they corresponded to the social, cultural and religious aspects of their time.

As a result of research in the field of pathoarchitectonics, we can better understand our past, the heritage of our ancestors and apply this knowledge to modern construction and preservation of historical structures. Pathoarchitectonics helps us see architecture as more than just a physical structure, it is a reflection of the culture, identity and technological development of a society.

Pathoarchitectonics is a deep distortion or loss of the architecture of our human structure as a center, when false principles, rules and regulations or other entities are placed in the human psyche instead of the real ones. The pathoarchitectural approach means eliminating these distortions. In addition, it is often used in Christian theology, theology and homeopathy. This type of pathology of the human personality is intended not only for treatment, but also for the prevention and prevention of future problems associated with false, abstract or alien principles and guidelines that have entered the human soul. When a person has a pathoarchitectural structural pathology, some of the following syndromes in the field of mental functions and areas exist or develop:

Excessive hostility Movement motivation Kappa syndrome Avoidance syndrome Social depersonalization Autonomic disorientation Autistic syndrome Helplessness, Social maladjustment Functional dysfunction Clinical disorder Types of mental disorders The structure of consciousness and methods of mental defense at the level of consciousness may have a certain reaction to patho-architectural structures. These methods are used to diagnose psychopathology and its further correction.

Consciousness is a large complex of forces that work together and are created by means of education and upbringing, called “respectful facts” for the purpose of forming, receiving, transmitting and storing information. It is the field from which this world shapes humanity and behavior. This includes topics such as reality, inner feelings, questions of the world, the child's experiences, the formation of questions “why?” and “how?”, including an incorrect reflection of reality, false explanations and interpretations. There are two areas in humanity, one of which is in consciousness, the other is outside of consciousness. Unfortunately, there are too many false and fake ideas about reality in our minds. They cannot be corrected through individual “therapeutic” conversations. So we have to use great techniques and technology to deal with it. Pathological worldview principles are distorted or incorrect and lead to different individual and collective behavior. They are the crucial gateway or first step to protecting yourself from another person's bad or unwanted thoughts, feelings, and actions.