Humulin Nph

Humulin NPH is a suspension obtained by purifying the drug with human serum albumin (HSA). The drug contains either CCS (30 mg) or lyophilized protein (18 mg); a lipid component derived from hydrogenated gelatin and medium chain triglyceride monoglycerides. CCS binds protein to small molecules, which facilitates the absorption of the protein drug by humans. When injected into a vein, the lipid layer remains on the vessel wall. The lipid component consists of a special gelatin-like substance called chesapicullan. Chesapicculan contains different variants or molecules that can bind to specific receptors operating on the lipid layer. Humulin is a genetically engineered insulin preparation made from high quality proteins (including rich BCAA's) by cloning the DNA of the Soya bacterium. However, this entails attaching a DNA fragment to the corresponding sequence