A steroid

Hysteroids are people with a predominance of the demonstrative part of their character and the immature - anxious. The psychological characteristics of this type of personality are characterized as a tendency to rude external manifestations of feelings, a tendency towards theatricality and posing, overly self-centered behavior, and a desire to shift the blame to others.

Hysteroids are characterized by grandiosity in self-presentation, a bright expressive manner of behavior, great vividness of emotions, constant changes of mood, boasting, excessive attention to their appearance and clothing, and great concern for their person. And also: idle chatter, arrogance, unbridled delight, demonstrative manipulation, demonstrative sexuality, addiction to drinks, gambling, superstitions and phobias.

A hysterical personality type is a set of behavioral characteristics in which an individual exhibits theatricality and demonstrativeness in society. Characterized by the desire to stand out at any cost, excessive control of emotions and narcissism. As a rule, in stressful situations he can behave unpredictably and rudely. Strong dependence on opinion