Huttaf - swallow

Organs of the head.
Dioscorides says: “If you take the first chick of a swallow and open it, you will find two pebbles in it: one of the same color, and the other of different colors. If they are placed in a piece of calf skin before the ground touches them, and tied on the forearm or neck of an epileptic person, it will help.” He says: “I tried this remedy and it cured epilepsy.”

Organs of the eye.
Eating swallows sharpens your eyesight. Sometimes they are dried and given to drink, and one misqal is given to drink at a time. Queen and chick meat, burnt in a glass vessel, works especially well if consumed as an eye ointment with honey. Swallow brain with honey is said to be as beneficial in the onset of cataracts as is bat brain.

Respiratory system.
Its ash is used to smear the throat for a sore throat, and it helps. If you pickle a swallow, then dry it and drink two dirhams of it, this will also help with sore throat.