
Hydronephrosis is a serious disease that occurs due to an obstruction of the free flow of urine from the kidneys. The renal calyces and pelvis dilate and stretch, which leads to impaired renal function. Hydronephrosis can be caused by various reasons, such as the presence of stones in the urinary tract, tumors, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, etc.

Obstructions to the flow of urine may be located in various parts of the urinary tract. When an obstruction forms at or just below the bladder neck, both kidneys may suffer from hydronephrosis. In cases where an obstruction forms at the junction of the pelvis and the ureter, the term “primary pelvic hydronephrosis” is used.

The main symptom of hydronephrosis is pain in the side or lower back, which may worsen with exercise. Symptoms such as burning when urinating, frequent urination, and changes in urine color may also occur.

Various methods are used to diagnose hydronephrosis, such as ultrasound, computed tomography, x-ray, etc. Treatment depends on the cause of hydronephrosis and may include drug therapy, endoscopic stone removal methods, surgery, etc.

In cases where hydronephrosis is caused by urinary tract obstruction, pyeloplasty is performed to restore the free flow of urine and prevent subsequent complications such as kidney atrophy, infections and stone formation.

In conclusion, hydronephrosis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. It is important to see a doctor at the first sign of illness to prevent complications and maintain kidney health.

Hydronephrosis is a condition in which progressive stretching and enlargement of the renal calyces and pelvis occurs as a result of a violation of the free flow of urine. This may occur due to an obstruction located at or just below the bladder neck and leads to the development of hydronephrosis of both kidneys.

Hydronephrosis can be caused by various factors such as stones in the bladder or ureter, tumors, ureteral strictures, congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract, and others.

Depending on the cause of hydronephrosis, it can be temporary or permanent. If the obstruction is removed and urine can flow freely, hydronephrosis may disappear. However, if the obstruction remains, hydronephrosis can lead to serious complications such as chronic renal failure.

The term primary pelvic hydronephrosis is used when an obstruction occurs at the junction of the pelvis and the ureter. This is the most common type of hydronephrosis in newborns and infants. In this case, pyeloplasty is performed to avoid stagnation of urine and subsequent atrophy of the kidney, as well as to prevent the development of infection and the formation of stones.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis depend on the degree of its development. In the initial stage, there may be no symptoms. However, as the size of the renal calyx and pelvis increases, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Lower back pain, which can be dull or sharp;
  2. Kidney swelling;
  3. Increased blood pressure;
  4. Lack of appetite;
  5. Nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of hydronephrosis includes various methods such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cystoscopy and others. As a rule, ultrasound examination is sufficient to diagnose hydronephrosis.

Treatment for hydronephrosis depends on its cause and extent of development. If hydronephrosis is caused by stones in the bladder or ureter, lithotripsy (breaking up stones with ultrasound) may be required. If the cause is a tumor, surgery may be required.

In cases of primary pelvic hydronephrosis, pyeloplasty is usually performed. This is a surgical procedure that involves removing a narrow section of the ureter and transplanting the remaining part. This improves urine flow and prevents further development of hydronephrosis.

In cases where hydronephrosis does not cause significant symptoms and does not pose a threat to kidney function, conservative treatment may be suggested. This may include prescribing medications to relieve pain and improve urine flow.

In any case, hydronephrosis requires mandatory treatment and monitoring to prevent the development of serious complications such as chronic renal failure. Regularly monitoring your kidney health and following your doctor's recommendations can help prevent serious complications and keep your kidneys healthy.

In conclusion, hydronephrosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. It is important to see a doctor if you experience any symptoms related to your urinary tract to prevent serious complications from developing. Early detection and treatment of hydronephrosis can help maintain kidney health and prevent the development of chronic kidney failure.

Hydronephrosis refers to various diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, characterized by stretching and expansion of the urethra and its cavity. The disease is characterized by impaired urinary patency with the development of expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces - stagnant processes in the kidney tissues

Treatment of various types of hydronephrosis is performed by surgeons, urologists and nephrologists. Such operations are carried out both for emergency indications and for planned ones. The directions of rehabilitation therapy are determined by the doctor depending on the type of disease. The therapeutic approach for different types of hydronephrosis differs from each other: * Primary hydronephrosis: Surgical intervention is performed in the form of catheterization of the urinary tract to restore the outflow of fluid. Then medications and anti-inflammatory treatments may be prescribed. * Secondary hydronephrosis. Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate the infection that has caused a violation of the outflow of urea. Physiotherapeutic treatment is performed to improve blood flow in the kidneys. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers may also be used. In addition to surgical and therapeutic therapy, patients with hydronephrosis are subject to mandatory preventive measures to prevent complications and relapses of the disease. For these purposes, preventive treatment is prescribed (taking herbal medicines, antibacterial drugs with low dosages). Such prevention also helps prevent complications such as pyelonephritis, urethritis and hypouretosis.