Hydrops Flowing Tuba

Hydrops tubae profluens (medical lat. “dropsy of the fallopian tube flowing out”) is a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube with its subsequent leakage into the abdominal cavity.

This is a rare complication of inflammatory diseases of the fallopian tubes, such as salpingitis and salpingoophoritis. The cause of hydrops tubae profluens is a violation of the outflow of fluid through the fallopian tube due to its obstruction. As a result, the lumen of the tube expands with the accumulation of transudate and exudate.

Clinical manifestations include acute pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the groin area, nausea, and vomiting. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound data. Treatment consists of removing accumulated fluid and sanitizing the fallopian tubes. If not treated in a timely manner, peritonitis may develop.

Hydrocele is one of the most common complications after surgical treatment of varicocele. As a rule, after classical orchiopexy, performed according to various motives and technologies, complications occur in 25-50% of cases.

The most common and unpleasant complications can be called hydrocele, the symptoms of which require urgent contact with a specialist in the field of urology. In this case, eliminate patho