
Hydrorchi is a disease that occurs when the abdominal muscles weaken and the lymphatic vessels in the scrotum become enlarged.

The first symptom of the disease is the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum, and the scrotum begins to swell and enlarge. In some cases, pain may occur in the abdomen and lower back, as well as discomfort when moving.

The causes may be different: insufficient absorption of fats, various infections, infections of the genitourinary system, pelvic injuries. Also, the disease can be caused by genetic factors or external factors such as cold or stress.

Hydrorci disease is treated with surgery or medications to remove excess fluid from the scrotum. In severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to fight the infection.

In any case, to treat the disease, you must consult a doctor, as self-medication can lead to serious consequences. It's important to remember that

Hydrorchys is an inguinal hernial sac filled with fluid. The inguinal hernia sac is formed due to the lack of separation between the external hernias and the abdominal cavity. The most common location of this formation is in the space between the vagina and abdomen. The inguinal hernial sac usually appears in the pelvic cavity and because of this, the inguinal hernial sac has a name: contents enclosed in the inguinal canal, and surgeons themselves call it “hygroma”. Among the modern methods of treating hygroma are: - Traditional surgical methods of treatment; - Treatment of inguinal hernial sacs using endoprostheses; Treatment of inguinal hernias using the formation of additional inguinal canals and plastic surgery when they break into the cavity. When using an endoprosthesis, precise marking of the lower segment is necessary, therefore, to prevent the prosthesis from moving downward during surgery on the upper segment, it is recommended to use ultra-thin Teflon gel. All stages of the operation are performed under spinal anesthesia. During the postoperative period, the patient is placed on his stomach, his limbs must be fixed with a bolster to prevent their extension and rotation. This position helps relieve increased intra-abdominal pressure and facilitates the outflow of blood from the head and face. In order to prevent venous thrombosis, it is prohibited to apply additional compression to the chest and neck with a tightly bandaged towel/tie or other item of clothing. - It is better to perform surgery to remove tumors before the formation of an inguinal hernia can end. Unambiguous data regarding the admissibility of the operation after it