Hygiene Resort

Spa treatment hygiene is a branch of hygiene that deals with the development of standards and measures aimed at ensuring proper conditions for recreation and treatment in resort areas. It includes monitoring the quality of water, air, soil and other natural factors that may affect human health.

One of the main areas of health resort treatment is monitoring the quality of drinking water. In resort areas, water can be contaminated with various microorganisms and chemicals, which can lead to various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the quality of drinking water and take measures to purify it.

Another important aspect of spa treatment hygiene is the protection of natural healing factors from pollution. For example, in resort areas there may be mineral water sources that may be contaminated with various chemicals. Therefore, measures must be taken to protect these sources from pollution.

Spa hygiene also deals with air quality control. In resort areas, the concentration of various harmful substances may be increased, which can negatively affect the health of vacationers. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor air quality and take measures to clean it.

In addition, spa treatment hygiene deals with the development of nutritional standards and recommendations. In resort areas, people can consume large amounts of food, which can lead to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to develop nutritional standards and recommendations that will help avoid health problems.

In general, spa treatment hygiene plays an important role in ensuring the health of people who come for vacation and treatment in resort areas. It is engaged in monitoring environmental quality, protecting natural healing factors and developing standards and recommendations for nutrition and behavior in resort areas.

A hygienic resort environment is a favorable environment for the recovery and treatment of patients, helping to reduce the influence of external factors on the body.

An important characteristic of a resort environment is cleanliness.

Here are a few rules that will help ensure a hygienic environment in the resort region:

1. Purification of drinking water: In order to ensure safe