
HYPENOPHOBIA – Phobic fears of responsibility.

Hypophobia is an insurmountable fear of being responsible for one's actions and the inability to bear criticism, which is obsessive in nature and causes severe discomfort in everyday life. People with hypophobia do not want to have any responsibility because it seems too difficult and nerve-wracking for them. Making them feel

Hypengiophobia is probably one of the rarest phobias in the world. And ironically, it is precisely this that is the product of those very “modern technologies”.

“Perhaps there is only one person in this world who is afraid of online ghosts. I mean timsphobia - the phobia “thymisphobes” experience in front of the computer program “Tims”. Hyper... What else can space surprise and frighten us with? It seems that while the program with a strange name exists only on the computer, the world lives normally, but as soon as “Timsa” is added to the site, problems immediately begin. As soon as the system starts working on “teams,” a barrage of criticism falls on it,” journalist Mark Sandrosyan writes in his journal.

However, to be honest, the criticism is groundless. No, “Tims” itself is normal. A completely modern site that is somewhat reminiscent of computer forums that have long since disappeared into history. We used tea leaves to tell our fortunes about them and discussed the latest news under strange photographs.

But imagine this situation: you enter a building, and for some reason it seems suspicious to you