
Hypercapnia is an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, at which it exceeds the normal level of 60 mm. rt. Art. Normally, a healthy person absorbs oxygen. The amount of this substance depends on the carbon dioxide content, and a more efficient supply of oxygen is only possible if the concentration of carbon dioxide is stable. But in a hypercapnic situation, the body does not have the opportunity to produce titrating carbon dioxide, since the amount of gas released is already at its maximum. It turns out that with hypercapnia, another indicator is added to the already existing bad indicator, the deviation of which significantly worsens the condition of the body. According to the method of production, three forms of violations of this CO2 concentration are distinguished:

Respiratory genesis - the mechanism is not associated with a violation of the respiratory process. Significantly more carbon dioxide enters the blood. Because of this, diabetes, pulmonary edema, brain dysfunction can occur, and everyone’s health deteriorates.