Hypervitaminosis D

Hypervitaminosis D: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Hypervitaminosis D is a condition that occurs when there is an overdose of vitamin D or increased individual sensitivity to it with the development of the symptom complex D-vitamin intoxication. In this case, there is a toxic effect of vitamin D on cell membranes, metabolic disorders with the development of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, hyperphosphaturia, acidosis, calcification of tissues and internal organs.

Causes of hypervitaminosis D

The main cause of hypervitaminosis D is the use of large doses of vitamin D for treatment or prevention. Usually the total dose is above 1 million IU, but sometimes it is hyper

Hypervitaminosis is a condition when the concentration of a particular vitamin in the blood, organs and tissues is significantly increased. The result is dysfunction of organs and systems that form a certain zone (articular apparatus, circulatory system), hyperplastic and dystrophic changes in them. In this case, there are only hypervitaminosis of certain vitamins.