Hypotension Controlled

Hello! Today I would like to tell you about a disease called artificially controlled hypotension. First, let's understand the terminology and description of the disease itself.

Hypotension is a condition in which blood pressure levels fall below normal, which can lead to various complications such as dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness and even death. In the case of hypotension caused by changes in body position or other physiological factors, the person may automatically adapt and return to normal within a few minutes. However, if a drop in blood pressure is a consequence of some disease, then this is uncontrolled hypotension, which can lead to serious consequences.

However, there is another type of hypotension - controlled. This means that a person with low blood pressure takes special medications to raise their blood levels to prevent possible complications and maintain normal blood circulation levels. Controlled hypotension is widely used in a variety of medical procedures, including surgery and medical testing.

It is important to note that controlled hypotension does not replace physiological adaptation to changes in pressure and cannot be used as an independent treatment method. It only helps maintain and control the desired level of blood pressure for the required time, for example, during operations or surgical procedures. Before and after the procedure, the doctor monitors the patient's condition to make sure that artificial support measures have given a good result.

Controlled artificial hypotension has both positive and negative sides. For example, the reduction in blood supply to the body resulting from this method reduces the hemorrhagic risk during surgical operations. Also, its use significantly reduces the risk of pressure drop in patients when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, in pregnant women, as well as in people with cardiovascular diseases. But controlled artificial hypotension may also have some side effects, such as hypotensive shock, developmental delay, arrhythmia and bradycardia. Therefore, doctors should use it with caution and only when other treatments are ineffective. In conclusion, controlled hypotension is a medical method that helps maintain desired blood pressure levels during certain medical procedures and therapeutic treatments. It can reduce the risk of complications from certain illnesses and even help prevent potential negative effects on the body overall. However, its use should be under the supervision of a medical professional to minimize the risk of side effects and ensure patient safety.