Acupuncture reflexology

Acupuncture is a type of physiotherapy that involves influencing the body by installing special medical needles into active points of the skin. This treatment allows you to improve overall well-being, reduce pain and obtain a number of other therapeutic effects. Acupuncture has its own history of origin, distribution, as well as specific effects on living systems of the body.

Application of acupuncture.

The main advantages of acupuncture intervention are procedures without the use of drugs, rapid restoration of vital functions of the body, and, as a consequence, short time and cost of the procedure. Within a short time after its implementation, a positive effect occurs. In the case of rehabilitation and treatment of mild and moderate illnesses, acupuncture works effectively in combination with drug treatment.

Contraindications to the use of acupuncture may include injuries, surgeries, infection in the affected area, acute somatic diseases, mental illnesses and blood diseases. Also, to maintain human health, it is strongly recommended to avoid contact with infected people. Lung diseases, influenza, tuberculosis and allergies in the acute stage are considered an absolute contraindication for the use of acupuncture.