Notice of Patient

Notification of a patient (registration and operational medical document)

A patient notification is an official document used in medicine to notify medical institutions of the occurrence of a disease in a patient. This document is filled out by a doctor at a medical institution (doctor or specialist) when diagnosing a new case of disease or infection in a previously unknown patient.

The case report provides detailed information about the patient, such as age, gender, symptoms, date and time the patient was admitted to the clinic, diagnosis of the identified disease or condition, and by whom it was diagnosed. The document can also describe the course of treatment, treatment methods used, etc.

In addition, in the notice the doctor can indicate the possible consequences of the disease and the possibility of further recovery or the need for further treatment. In some cases, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, a doctor may request a consultation with a specialist.

After filling out, a notification about the patient is sent to a dispensary or other medical organization where this case of illness will be considered. This allows you to quickly respond to the disease and take timely measures to stabilize the patient’s condition.

In addition, filling out an illness notification is important for systematic reporting and monitoring of the health status of the population, especially during periods of mass epidemics or disease pandemics. In addition, timely notification of a case helps prevent the spread of infections and prevent similar cases from occurring in the future.

Thus, notification of an infectious disease plays an important role in the organization of the healthcare system and is a necessary document to ensure timely medical intervention and maximum protection of patient health.

Today I want to talk about such an important medical document as the Notice of Patient (Iz. about B.). This document is of great importance in medicine and is one of the most important tools for disease control.

From. o Patient - this is a medical registration document that is filled out by a doctor when diagnosing the active form of diseases such as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, dermatological diseases such as microsporia, trichophytosis, and others. For example, malignant neoplasms. This document serves to notify the relevant dispensaries and helps doctors monitor the disease and quickly respond to its development.

The purpose of creating I. about B.: timely identification of patients with tuberculosis, diagnosis; registration of patients and initiation of treatment; generalization of the doctor’s current activities in working with patients and transfer of data about them to the territorial scientific and methodological center (SMC).

Documentation is a central part of TB prevention. A doctor working with a patient regularly registers the patient in journals or issues him an I.O. B. The journal and notice are documents that allow the doctor to know which of all the patients under his supervision caused the disease. With the help of the confiscated registration journals, the form of the journal of the movement of books of information about Iz is filled out. about. If the doctor notes that the patient has died, the corresponding evidence of this fact must also be entered in the register of registration of cancer patients. The journal notes where and when the disease was discovered, what treatments were used, the nature of the change in tuberculin sensitivity and the full name of the drug to which the patient was prescribed. If the patient’s condition does not improve during the course of treatment, this is also recorded in the journal. Necessary journals to assist in disease control are very important.