Ignatius Compositum

Ignacia compositum

Country of origin: Russia
Pharm-Group: Various homeopathic remedies

Manufacturers: Medicines VALA-R (Russia)
International name: Ignacia compositum
Composition: Strychnos ignatii e semine (Ignation) ferm 35b D4, Kalanchoe daigremontiana e foliis (Kalanchoe) ferm 33b D3, Lachesis (Lachesis) D12 aquos.

Indications for use: Prevention and treatment of premenstrual, menopausal and hysterical syndromes, characterized by excessive accumulation of estrogens with physiologically normal production, but insufficient assimilation by tissue structures, which disrupts the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Side effects: Not identified.

Literature: Instructions and prospectus of the manufacturer.