Ile- (Ile-), Ileo- (Ileo-)

ILE-/ILEO- (from Latin ileum - ileum)

Prefix denoting ileum

In anatomy and medicine, the prefix “ile-” (or “ileo-”) is used to designate the ileum. For example, “ileocecal” means that the organ refers to the ileum and cecum, and “ileocolic” means that it refers to the ileum and colon together.

The ileum is part of the human digestive system and is located in the lower abdomen, between the femur and sacrum. It is about 2 meters long and plays an important role in digestion, as it is the place where nutrients are broken down and water and electrolytes are absorbed into the body.

Additionally, the ileum also plays an important role in the body's immune system as it contains many lymphoid cells that help protect the body from infections and other pathogens.

It is important to note that the ileum and cecum are part of the colon, which is the final part of the human digestive tract. In general, the large intestine has the function of storing and removing waste from the body, and is also the site of feces production.

Ileocidipsia (ileocecidesis) is also called surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. The method is completely painless, but the patient will have to spend several hours lying down. Very effective. The essence of the operation is to excise the diseased area and nerve endings. Simply put, the damaged node is removed.

Ileostroplasty. The operation is performed for bleeding from hemorrhoids, severe prolapse of the rectal mucosa. After the examination, the doctor will determine how best to remove the nodes and with the least consequences. While you are in the hospital, you may be offered several treatment options to help you decide. In different cases, the approach to performing the operation is different.