Ileocecal syndrome

This syndrome has other names: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Schronck's disease, regional ileitis, terminal ileitis. All names, in general, equally reflect the essence of the process being described - damage to the intestine of the ileum or the initial parts of the colon, which is often accompanied by regional or migratory symptoms. These include abdominal pain, weight loss, fever and bleeding of various types and varying intensities. Most of these patients must be hospitalized and undergo heavy drug treatment, surgery, and preventive therapy. Despite the fact that this is a rather severe type of gastrointestinal pathology, many patients are able to recover and maintain health. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to follow the prescribed course of treatment from beginning to end.

Since the cause of the disease in ileocolitis syndrome is infection or inflammation, the first stage of treatment may be anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and antifungals. An individual diet is also prescribed, including fiber, proteins, as well as fatty acids and immune system stimulants. As the disease progresses, some patients receive anticoagulants, antifibrosis, and immunosuppressants. If recovery does not occur, a colonoscopy must be prescribed.