Armored mite

Armored mites are a group of free-living mites of the suborder Sarcoptiformes of the order Acariformes. They live in soil, rotten litter and burrows, and can also be intermediate hosts for tapeworms. These ticks have a characteristic body shape that allows them to defend themselves against predators such as birds and animals.

Armored ticks can be dangerous to humans and animals, as they can carry various diseases, such as encephalitis, borreliosis and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and avoid contact with these ticks.

To combat oribatid mites, various methods are used, for example, treating the soil and litter with insecticides. It is also important to keep your home and area clean to reduce the likelihood of these mites.

Armored mite

The oribatid mite belongs to the group of free-living, suborder Sarhoptiformes, order Acareiformes, which live in the soil rotting in the litter of burrow nests. Several species of oribatid mites are intermediate hosts of tapeworms that parasitize livestock.

* Ticks belong to the suborder Sarcophifera