
An ileostomy is an artificial end of the intestine that is created during ileostomy surgery. This is a procedure that is necessary for certain intestinal diseases or damage. The operation can be performed either temporarily or permanently. This artificial end is created by creating a hole in the intestine and then inserting a tube to allow waste and fluid to pass through the intestine.

One of the most common reasons for an ileostomy is colorectal cancer. In this case, the cancer may affect the colon, leading to its removal. As a result, intestinal flow is blocked, requiring the creation of an artificial end of the intestine to allow food and gases to pass through.

Another common indication for ileostomy is acute intestinal obstruction. This condition is caused by a blockage of the intestines, which can lead to rupture and death. Therefore, the creation of an artificial end is an urgent measure to prevent irreparable damage to the intestine and