Ileostomy Extra Ileo

Ileostomy Extra Ileo: System for ostomy patients

Ileostomy Extra Ileo, produced by the Danish company Coloplast A/S, is an innovative system for ostomy patients. It is intended for people who have had surgery to remove or bypass part of their colon and require a hole (stoma) to be created in the abdominal wall to drain intestinal contents.

A stoma is a surgically created opening through which intestinal contents leave the body and are collected in a special bag attached to the abdominal wall. Ileostomy Extra Ileo provides an effective and safe ostomy system for patients with ileostomy, where the final portion of the small intestine is removed.

The advantages of the Extra Ileo Ileostomy lie in its innovative design and high quality materials. The system consists of two components: a plate (adhesive base) and a bag. The adhesive base is firmly attached to the skin around the stoma, providing a secure fit and preventing leakage. The bag has a special filter that allows gases to escape, minimizing odors and providing patient comfort.

Ileostomy Extra Ileo offers a variety of ostomy system options, including one-piece and two-piece systems. The one-piece system is a combination of a plate and a bag combined into one unit. This is convenient for patients who prefer simplicity and compactness. The two-piece system includes a separate plate and bag, providing a more flexible approach to ostomy and allowing changes to the bag without the need to remove the plate.

Ileostomy Extra Ileo is also known under various synonyms, such as ileostomy two-component MS system, ileostomy two-component PS system, ileostomy Ileo B, ileostomy one-component MS system, ileostomy one-component PS system, ileostomy bags, ileostomy bags "Combigesive 2S", two-component colostomy MS system and colostomy two-component ps system.

Ileostomy Extra Ileo is the result of careful research and development in the field of ostomy. It provides a reliable and innovative solution for patients requiring an ostomy after colon surgery. Due to its effectiveness, comfort and ease of use, the Extra Ileo Ileostomy has become a popular choice among medical professionals and patients from all over the world.

In conclusion, Ileostomy Extra Ileo is a high-quality ostomy system manufactured by the Danish company Coloplast A/S. It provides secure support and comfort for ileostomy patients, and offers a variety of ostomy system options depending on the patient's preferences and needs. Thanks to its innovation and effectiveness, Ileostomy Extra Ileo has earned the trust of the medical community and helps improve the quality of life of people who have undergone surgery to remove or bypass part of the colon.