
Iliospondylodesis is a surgical operation that is performed to connect two vertebrae in the treatment of various diseases of the spine. During the operation, two vertebrae are fastened with special metal structures, which allow you to restore normal spinal function and eliminate back pain.

To perform iliospondylodesis, special metal structures are used, such as screws, plates, rods and others. They are installed in the area between two vertebrae and secured using special tools. After the operation, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course, which includes physiotherapy, massage and other treatment methods.

One of the main advantages of spinal fusion is that it can eliminate pain and improve spinal function, as well as prevent further development of the disease. However, like any other operation, iliospondylodesis has its own risks and complications, so before the operation it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s condition and conduct all the necessary studies.

In general, iliospondylodesis is an effective treatment method for various spinal diseases and can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. However, before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and consult with an experienced surgeon in order to avoid possible complications and get the maximum effect from the treatment.

Iliospondylodesis is a surgical operation that is performed to treat spinal diseases such as spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and others.

The essence of the operation is that the surgeon removes part of a vertebra (or several vertebrae) and replaces it with an artificial implant, which provides stability to the spine and prevents further development of the disease.

The benefits of iliospinal fusion include faster recovery from surgery, reduced pain, and improved quality of life for the patient. However, like any other surgery, spinal fusion has its risks, such as infection, nerve damage and other complications.

In general, iliospondylodesis is an effective treatment for spinal disorders and can be recommended for patients who cannot achieve satisfactory results from conservative treatment.