Ilyina-Markosyan Pin Tooth

Ilyina - Markosyan Pin Tooth is the name given by the Soviet dentist L.V. Ilina-Markosyan in honor of her work on the creation of a pin tooth. This type of tooth was developed in the 1930s and was one of the first successful treatments for teeth with decayed root systems.

A pin tooth is a structure that is installed in the place of a lost tooth and serves as a support for the prosthesis. It consists of a metal post that is inserted into the root canal and an artificial crown that is attached to the post. Pin teeth have a number of advantages over other methods of tooth restoration. They are stronger and more durable than conventional dentures and can be used to restore teeth of any complexity.

Ilyina-Markosyan has the honor of developing the first pin tooth in the USSR. She began her work on this project in 1929 and continued until 1941. In 1954, she received a patent for her method of dental treatment.

Today, pinned teeth are widely used in dentistry and are one of the most effective methods for restoring teeth with damaged root canals.

A post tooth is a denture that is attached to the roots of natural teeth or implants. It can be used to replace missing or damaged teeth and improve the appearance of your smile. This design is securely fixed, unlike dental bridges consisting of several crowns, and allows the patient to gradually restore his teeth even if it is impossible to maintain their fixation with cement.

The credit for creating the pin tooth goes to Russian dentists L.V. Ilina, D.P. Markosyan and E.I. Pinto. They invented a unique design that has no analogues in the world. The end result was named after one of the authors of the invention - Ilina-Markryan-Shtifta tooth. Dentists are highly inventive. Each of them contributed their name to the creation of a dental structure that could replace missing crowns. This is a complex process that involves the initial setting of the pin, its secure fastening and subsequent installation of the crown.

The extra length of the artificial root, which increases during the selection process, necessarily divides the pin into two parts - the so-called supracoque is located at the cut site. The choice of material from which the pin will be made depends on many factors, including the condition of the supporting healthy tooth and its root. Great importance is attached to the correctness of calculations and thoroughness in the manufacture of an artificial tooth: if technical errors are made or the individual characteristics of the patient are not taken into account, there is a high risk of developing negative consequences. After all, an incorrectly installed pin can cause inflammation of the installation site, which will result in the development of a source of infection. Therefore, the quality of pin manufacturing has been closely monitored for more than a century.