
Imago (from Latin imago - image) - in psychoanalysis, this is a person’s internal unconscious representation of any important person from his life, especially one of his parents.

The term "imago" was introduced into psychoanalysis by Carl Gustav Jung. According to his theory, the child forms in his mind an idealized image of the parent, which subsequently has a great influence on the person’s relationship with the outside world. This internal image seems to “come to life” in the mind and begins to interact with reality.

The imago often distorts a person’s perception of reality and influences the choice of love object and friends. For example, a woman who has an imago of a stern father may choose a strict and demanding man as a partner.

In psychoanalysis, working with the imago is considered an important stage on the path of personal growth and achieving internal harmony. A person’s awareness of his imagoes helps to understand the origins of many psychological problems and correct inadequate perception of the world.

The imago is an internal unconscious representation of a person whom we consider very important to us. This could be one of your parents, teachers, friends, or even an imaginary character.

The imago can be either positive or negative. If we have a positive imago, it means that we feel a strong attachment to this person and consider him important to us. If the imago is negative, then this may mean that we experience negative feelings or even fear towards this person.

In order to deal with the imago, you need to turn to your feelings and thoughts. You need to understand why this person became so important to you and what he did for you. You also need to understand what feelings you have towards him and how they affect your life.

If the imago is negative, then it is necessary to work on it. You can start by trying to understand why he became so important and why you feel the way you do about him. You can also try to change your attitude towards it or even get rid of it completely.

Overall, the imago is a very important aspect of our lives that can influence our self-esteem and relationships with other people. Therefore, it is important to work on our imago and understand how it affects our lives.

The topic of the imago is very broad and multifaceted in the psychoanalytic literature, but in this article I will try to give a brief overview of the concept of the imago taking into account modern approaches in psychology.

An imago is a person’s internal unconscious representation of some significant personality or group of personalities in his life. It could be a person, a group of people, or some idea or goal. When we talk about the imago, we mean that this idea can be either positive or negative. The imago can influence our behavior and decision-making in various areas of life, including professional activities, interpersonal relationships and personal life.

One of the important features of the imago in psychotherapy is that it is in an unconscious state. We cannot control our imagoes, and they can arise spontaneously in our lives and have a strong influence on our inner world. However, psychoanalysis helps people become aware of their imago and learn to make decisions based on more reasonable and balanced ideas about themselves and the world around us.

One of the key tasks of a psychotherapist when working with an imago is to help the patient stop depending on internal ideas and begin to act in accordance with real circumstances and external factors. An important step towards this is awareness of one’s imago and acceptance