Immune Serum, Antiserum (Antiserum, Multiply Antisera)

Immune Serum, Antiserum (Antiserum, Multiply Antisera): what is it and how is it used

Immune Serum, Antiserum (Antiserum, Multiply Antisera) is a biological preparation containing antibodies against certain antigens. Antibodies are protein molecules produced by the body's immune system in response to exposure to antigens, that is, substances that can trigger an immune response. Immune Serum, Antiserum is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as for the identification of pathogens.

To prepare immune serum, you must first isolate the antigen that triggers the immune response. This antigen is then injected into the body of an animal, such as a horse. When exposed to an antigen, the animal's immune system begins to produce antibodies against that antigen. After the amount of antibodies reaches a certain level, blood is taken from the animal, from which serum is isolated. This serum contains antibodies that can be used to treat and prevent the corresponding disease.

Immune serum can be used for both treatment and prevention of diseases. If a person is already sick, they may be given an immune serum to speed up recovery. In this case, the serum contains antibodies that help the body fight the disease more effectively.

If a person is not yet sick, but there is a high risk of infection, he may be given immune serum as a preventive measure. In this case, the serum contains antibodies that temporarily protect the body from infection and create passive immunity.

However, immune serum is not a universal means of treating and preventing all diseases. Each disease requires a separate immune serum containing antibodies specific to that disease.

In addition, immune serum can be used to identify previously unknown pathogens. For this, the agglutination method is used - the property of antibodies to bind to the corresponding antigens and form agglutinates, that is, clots. By examining the resulting agglutinates, the presence and characteristics of the pathogen can be determined.

Immune serum is an important tool in the fight against infectious diseases. It can be effective in the treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, hepatitis B and others. However, its use should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists, as improper use can lead to undesirable effects.

Although immune serum is an effective means of treatment and prevention, there are other ways to combat infectious diseases. Vaccines are currently being developed to create active immunity in the body against a specific disease. Vaccines have a number of advantages over immune serum, including they provide a long-lasting effect and do not require constant administration.

In conclusion, immune serum, Antiserum (Antiserum, plural. Antisera) is a biological preparation containing antibodies against certain antigens, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases. Its use should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified personnel. However, there are other methods of controlling infectious diseases, such as vaccination, that are also effective and safe.

Immune serum is a serum that contains antibodies that fight certain antigens. It can be used for treatment or for temporary protection against various diseases such as influenza, coronavirus and others.

Equine antigens are used to prepare immune serum, which are then processed in the laboratory. Sera can be used to identify new microorganisms.

Antiserum is an antibody that fights an antigen. It can also be used to treat and protect against diseases.

Overall, immune serum and antiserum are important tools in medicine and science. They help fight various diseases and infections and also help identify new microorganisms.

**Immune serum, antiserum** Immune serum, antiserum (lantiserum/pl. antipitsera) is an immunological preparation obtained from the blood of immune horses or other animals. Immunal serum, antiserum is intended for passive immunization of people