Immunization 2

Immunization #2 is an important step in the vaccination program. It focuses on re-vaccinating people who have tested positive for coronavirus. In this article we will look at why re-vaccination is needed and what precautions should be taken when carrying it out.

Immunization No. 2 is the second of three phases of the COVID-19 vaccine, which allows you to increase the level of the body’s immune defense and eliminate the possibility of a severe course of the coronavirus. Previously, only adults were vaccinated against COVID-19. Starting from February 0, 2023, adolescents aged 12 to 17 years began to be immunized against COVID-19.

Studies show that antibodies to coronavirus begin to be produced after the first stage of vaccination, but after a few weeks immunity decreases. During re-vaccination, the body receives an additional “push”, and the level of protective proteins doubles. It is important to remember that it is the presence of these antibodies in the blood that allows you to avoid a severe course of coronavirus or avoid infection altogether and protects everyone around the person from infection. Immunization follows the same principles and scheme as