
Immune: what is it and how does it work

Immune is a term that refers to our body's defense system against infections and diseases. It occurs through a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to prevent invading pathogens and fight those already present in the body.

The immune system consists of several key elements, including lymphoid organs (such as bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes and spleen), immune cells (such as white blood cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages and others), antibodies and chemical signaling molecules such as cytokines .

When pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites) enter the body, they encounter the immune system. If the system works properly, it recognizes these microorganisms as a danger and begins to fight them. This can occur through various mechanisms, including phagocytosis (engulfment of microorganisms by immune cells), cytotoxicity (destruction of infected cells by immune cells), and antibody production.

In addition, the immune system can remember which microorganisms it has previously encountered and quickly respond to them if they reappear in the body. This is called immune memory.

Although the immune system is very effective, it cannot always completely prevent infection or disease. Sometimes pathogens may be too strong or too fast-growing for the immune system to handle. In such cases, treatment with antibiotics, antivirals, or other medications may be necessary.

In addition, some diseases can occur due to a malfunction of the immune system, for example, with autoimmune diseases, when the immune system begins to attack the body's own cells and tissues. In such cases, special treatment may be required to suppress the immune system.

Overall, the immune system is very important to our body, helping to protect us from many different diseases and infections. To maintain a healthy immune system, you need to eat a healthy diet, take enough vitamins and minerals, engage in physical activity and avoid stressful situations. It is also recommended to avoid contact with infected people and practice good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection.

In conclusion, the immune system is fundamental to our health and well-being. It plays a key role in protecting the body from many different diseases and infections, and therefore it is important to pay due attention to its maintenance and strengthening. In case of any health problems, it is necessary to seek medical help and follow the recommendations of doctors in order to take timely measures to restore the immune system and general health.

The topic of immunotherapy in oncology has become one of the most pressing in medicine today.

Intensive research by scientists has made it possible to create innovative drugs that modify the human immune system. One such advance is immunotherapy. In recent years, she has made a huge breakthrough in the fight against the most severe forms of malignant tumors, including