Implantation Cavity


Abdominal implantation (also known as abdominal implantation) is a surgical procedure that is used to place implants in the abdominal area. This type of implantation allows you to obtain aesthetically attractive breasts or buttock implants with an average projection. The implants are placed through a small incision above the navel and reach the area of ​​the internal muscles of the body, where they are then secured using special threads. This surgery does not require any incisions in the skin, so it is less invasive and less painful. However, like any other medical

Cavity implantation is a surgical procedure in which a foreign object (implant) is placed in the body cavity area, which can perform various functions such as replacing damaged or missing organs, helping to maintain their functions, and also improving the patient's quality of life. In this article we will look at the main aspects of abdominal implantation, its advantages and disadvantages, and also discuss possible risks and complications after the procedure.

History of implantation

Implantation dates back to ancient times, when people used cannulas to administer various liquids. Kashmiri sages from India use the cannula to repair canals and heal wounds.

Despite the widespread use of this technology, only in recent years has there been active research in the field of implants. This is due to the development of manufacturing technologies and the improvement of material processing methods, which makes it possible to create implants with increased strength, durability and biocompatibility, and most importantly, do not cause allergic reactions.

Medical implants are currently widely used in medicine due to their high efficiency and reliability, but the possibility of complications must be taken into account. All possible consequences depend on the time of engraftment and the area of ​​contact. As a rule, the development of infection and the risk of rejection occurs after six months, which is explained by the function of the immune system. However, in rare cases, rejection can occur months later, so the patient requires careful examination. There is also a danger of implant loosening, bone tissue separation and graft necrosis. Such situations often arise if the patient smokes, abuses alcohol and takes drugs.

Classification of implants

Intramedullary implants - located inside the bone or in the intervertebral canal, they are usually short and strengthen structures over a short distance.

Intermedullary implants are placed under the bone and consist primarily of metal, plastic or ceramic, usually used to strengthen rods or replace lost tissue.

Cervical extension implants. With the help of such implants, fractures of the spine are eliminated, spinal sutures are consolidated, for example, in the cervical region and the accumulation of growing dysostatic tissue, and replaced with serrated ones. Sometimes the median spurs are unloaded 42 mm and in most cases 50 mm

Reconstructive and reconstructive-restorative. Designed to eliminate deformation of the ribs and spine, to restore damaged surfaces by pressing the defective parts

Soft ringaps. They are used to repair fractures and provide stability

Osteotomyempression is used to create artificial shortening of limbs in cases of childhood diseases such as Cushing's disease, bone and soft tissue tumors, spinal fractures or pelvic diseases. These implants come in different types - ostectomes, ringups

Alveolar support for attaching an implant in case of bone loss, such as a tooth. It is used for osteosunal insufficient bone length

Desc materials that perform both a supporting and bone remodeling function For better structural support, Descs are often combined with cortical support, which strengthens them to break through the bone. A