Implantation cholesteatoma

Implantation cholesteatoma (PI) is a rare complication that can occur after hearing aid implantation surgery. This type of cholesteatoma develops as a result of invasion of epithelial cells into the soft tissue of the ear, which can be caused by various factors such as improper placement of the implant, too much use or poor hygiene.

Implantation cholesteatoma can cause serious health problems, such as hearing loss, dizziness, pustular discharge from the ear, and an increased risk of infections. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms and carry out timely treatment.

The main treatment for implantation cholesteatoma is surgery, which may include removal of the implant as well as removal of the affected tissue. In some cases, ear reconstruction may be required.

To prevent the development of implantation cholesteatoma, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and undergo regular examination by a specialist. It is also important to monitor the condition of the implant and promptly seek advice if any problems arise.

In conclusion, implantation cholesteatoma is a serious complication after hearing aid implantation surgery and can lead to serious health problems. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms and carry out timely treatment, as well as maintain good hygiene and undergo regular examination by a specialist to prevent its development.