Impotence For All Time

The word "impotence" causes anxiety and fear in many men. The problem of loss of male power has bothered them for many centuries. Previously, they talked about it in whispers, blaming it on witches and sorcerers. In the Middle Ages, impotence began to be viewed as a problem of ecclesiastical significance, rather than a medical one. These days, doctors are seriously looking for cures for impotence, and it seems that they are on the right track.

The term "impotence" comes from a Latin word that means "lack of strength" or "helplessness." The word was first used in 1420 in Thomas Hoccleve's poem De regimine principum. And in the meaning of “loss of sexual power,” the term was first used only in 1655 in Thomas Fuller’s “History of the Church in Britain,” where the Pope himself was called impotent. However, the problem of male impotence existed long before the word “impotence” appeared.

Even though the first mention of impotence can be found in the Bible, where King David lost his virility as punishment for his criminal act, people have always looked for ways to treat impotence. Already the ancient Greeks and Egyptians had their own recipes. Greek healers recommended Datura seeds and male fern flowers as medicine, which were prescribed to be taken internally and used as lotions and wraps. However, the results of such treatment were not always satisfactory, and doctors continued to look for new methods of treatment.

In the Middle Ages, sexual problems began to be attributed to the competence of the church rather than medicine. Impotence began to be viewed as the result of the action of demonic forces. In 1486, the treatise “The Witches' Hammer” was published, which claimed that sexual impotence was the result of witchcraft.

Today, doctors believe that impotence can have both psychological and physical causes. Psychological causes include stress, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, etc. Physical causes may include heart and vascular disease, diabetes, thyroid disease and other diseases.

There are various treatments for impotence, including medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes and surgical methods. Currently, the most common treatments for impotence are medications such as sildenafil (known as Viagra), tadalafil and vardenafil. These medications help improve blood flow to the penis, which can increase erections.

In addition to medications, psychotherapy can help men suffering from impotence deal with psychological causes and improve their sex lives. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as exercising, eating healthy, and quitting smoking can help improve erections. Surgical methods are usually used in cases where other treatment methods are ineffective. One such method is penile implantation.

In general, impotence is not a problem at all times. There are many treatments that can help men cope with this problem and restore them to the joy of a fulfilling sex life. It is important to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of impotence in order to receive qualified help and find the most effective treatment method.