Pulse Sliding

A slipping impulse is literally called an impulse that “goes out” beyond the body. Indeed, if not in term, then in essence. As we know today:

- When falling, a body emits an impulse against the force of gravity. Otherwise it would not have fallen; - At the moment of collision of a given body with another object, the law of conservation of momentum is fulfilled - it will be transferred to the second object. The body will also receive an impulse from the second object upon collision.

And so it turns out that if the body is “non-evaporating” in its property (like a stone, for example), then it will transfer momentum to the falling body at the moment of their collision. Due to the transformation of mechanical energy (work) of two bodies or the interaction of two material systems with each other. What is received during the impulse of the body, “as always,” is transmitted further from object to object, into all matter of the Universe. And this leads to the movement of matter or excitation, an imbalance of the electric electromagnetic field.