
**Tonsillotomy** is an operation to remove tonsils for chronic tonsillitis, characterized by frequent exacerbations and independence from treatment. Translated from the Greek word tonsilla means tonsil and tome means cut. *The operation is performed after unsuccessful conservative treatment methods, including antibiotics and topical hormones*.

**Tonsillectomy and tonsillotomy implantation** - methods for removing tonsils:

- **Tonsillectomy** is a simple and effective method, which is performed under general anesthesia by making a short incision under the lower jaw at the location of the tonsils. Only a total tonsillectomy can be performed in this way, when both the tonsils and the pockets between them are removed. Unfortunately, this operation eventually leads to otitis media or laryngeal diseases.

- Tonsillotomy is a temporary transplantation method. The tonsils are left intact, but tissue is removed from them (essentially, part of them is “removed”) so that they cannot be a source of infection. Thus, the operation is the removal of only tonsil tissue. This allows you to preserve the protective function of the glands without the risks inherent in tonsillectomy. In addition, reattachment allows for effective suppression of the allergic reaction in the body. Reattachment occurs after 24 hours.